The Definitive Guide To COB LED Strip Lights

24 Oct.,2023


Looking at the use of light from a more practical view. Immediately, the use of cool whites and rich, warm whites and amber glows can be noticed across several scenes. The contrast use of these white shades really help set the scene subconciously for the forces of light and dark, dark and light interchangeably. Typically you’d imagine warm whites to be positive and cool whites to be negative, hot vs cold. But here we have a dragon as warmly illuminated and the heroes often shown in a colder light. This yin yang perspective helps to show that nothing is fully bad nor fully good. That there is light in the darkest of places and darkness hidden within the brightest lights.

So why is it that this film hits home? It would appear that orc’s, magicians, elves, dwarves, hobbits and even dragons don’t exist, at least not in this age. And yet something about this film appears so very real, as if it’s a memory fragment of a long forgotten past or an artistic abstraction of something quite familiar. Perhaps it’s the metaphysical and relatable use of light vs dark or good vs evil. The philosophical and archetypical imagery throughout this film creates a deep routed sense of awe and wonder. Whether you believe dragons existed in the past or not doesn’t matter. We’ve all faced dragons in our daily lives, greed, lust, immorality, those people that cause pain and who rarely blame themselves for anything allowing arrogance and pride to consume them. Whether within or outside of ourselves, we face chaos every day. In the words of Gandalf “I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.”

J.R.R Tokien | All That is Gold Does Not Glitter | Kinetic Typography  

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